VRBO is worlds largest online platform for rental of vacation homes and owned by Expedia Group. VRBO is available in many languages such as English, Dutch, German, Franch, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, etc. This makes it easy for future renters to watch our villa, calendar and pricing in their local language.
It is possible to make bookings, using the VRBO site and also processing payments through this platform. VRBO introduced also for this the 'Book with Confidence Guarantee'. This guarantee protects your full rental payment against listing fraud, phishing, property significantly misrepresented and more.
Airbnb is an online marketplace for arranging or offering lodging, primarily homestays, or tourism experiences. The website has over 3.000.000 private accomodations in 192 countries 33.000 cities. The company does not own any of the real estate listings, nor does it host events; it acts as a broker, receiving commissions from each booking
While you are free to use this service, we feel that we have to inform you also about the cost of this service. Both Airbnb and VRBO charges the renter an amount of 8-12% of the full rental payment for this service.
We also have been doing business directly with our renters, to their full satisfaction. Therefore, it is possible to make the reservations directly with us to have the cheapest offering. You can still use the Airbnb or VRBO website to see our villa, offering, availability and pricing. After enterring the requested arrival date and departure date, you will get the initial availability and pricing. If you mail us directly, we will respond back to you within 24 hours.
Please refer to following VRBO website to see our property and availability. Alternatively you can check the Airbnb website below for similar details.